Exercises in Synchronicity

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AN EXPERIENCE OF SYNCHRONICITY is:                              

🌀 an experience of connection to the magic, intelligence and wonder of the Universe.

🌀 an experience of belonging to the whole, that the Universe cares about you.

🌀 energy for life and deep connection.

How this course works:

This is a self-study course with 8 modules in total. The exercises are: listening to specific music, taking specific body postures and colouring in a mandala for each area of reconnection. 

It has information on restoring your connection to Self, Spirit, Community, Money, Nature and Family.

It includes: 9 videos to watch, 8 modules to download and read, 6 Mandalas to colour in and 9 fillable PDFs for Reflection and Journalling.

You will need to buy:

1. A journal to record your synchronicities.

2. Coloured pencils and or felt-tipped pens to colour in the mandalas.

You will need access to a printer to print the Mandalas.

It will take approximately 2 weeks to finish each module.

I believe this to be true:

✨When you experience more synchronicities in your day-to-day life, when you experience the magic and intelligence of the Universe more often, you can’t help but trust Life more.

✨Feeling safe and trusting Life and our ability to receive guidance on our soul’s journey, is fundamental to happiness. Enjoy your journey of Restoring Connections and Enjoy your experience of Magical Synchronicity!


Exercises in Synchronicity

This course will facilitate a deeper connection to you and the sacredness of your life. Explore ways to experience synchronicity and reconnect in the areas of Self, Spirit, Community, Money, Nature and Family.



  • 8 Self-Study modules.
  • 6 Original Animal Spirit Mandalas to colour in.
  • Discover the Sacredness of you.
  • Fun exercises that facilitate opportunity for experiencing more connection in your life.
  • Share your synchronicity stories and completed Mandalas in a private Facebook Group.
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